Monday, February 11, 2008

Just when I thought I had it....HELP PLEASE!

Just when I thought I understood what our assignments were--let's see--putting them into our electronic journal and creating a web page and everything else---well, I am a bit frustrated. I was able to download Kompozer and actually create my page--but, now trying to link everything--well, that is a different story. I am trying my hardest to understand what I am supposed to do. Does Dr. Merrill want our Web page to actually BE the journal that we save and everything is supposed to link into our Web page???? I am so clueless as to what we are supposed to do right now--I just want to go and pig out on some chocolate to make myself feel better. I e-mailed Dr. Merrill, so-hopefully, I hear back from him VERY SOON about what we are supposed to do EXACTLY. Oh, I had about 6 questions ranging from our Web page, Final Essay Exam, to how are supposed to save everything. Like I said, hopefully he gets back to me by tomorrow-so, I know what to do. Does anyone really have an idea about what we are supposed to do and HOW we are supposed to save it in our journal (CD-R)? IF so--can you explain it to me? Also, did you know that we are also supposed to write a one-page paper about our experiences--from each reflection of our experiences? Yea, I read this in my notes--but, have no clue to what that means! Does he want us to write 1 page for our Blog experience, 1 page for our Chat Board experience, 1 page for our Google Group experience, 1 page for our social bookmarking experience, and so on????? Well, that will be about 10 pages!!! YIKES! If anyone has any idea at all--again, please share. I am so tired of being so frustrated and unable to complete anything b/c I have no idea what we are ACTUALLY supposed to be doing in the first place! Another thing--are we supposed to take the FINAL EXAM this Friday? I have "heard" that he is supposed to give us the questions, but we e-mail our answers about a week later? Who knows--maybe I am just being overly panicked--but, I need some clarification so my blood pressure can go down a little bit! HELP!


Angela's Space said...

I had forgotten that we had to reflect on our experiences. Looking at the powerpoint sheet he gave us it is just mentioned for the webchat and usernet experiences but I could be wrong on that. I better go do that now. I too had a hard time linking my pages but I finally got it. I am using Dreamweaver and I had to save them in a file that i was using for the website and then 'drag' them over. It is hard to explain. I wish I could be of more help to you. Good luck!

CCrisp said...

This is very frustrating I know! Just when I think I am understanding the basics, it only brings up more questions. To be honest, I think the expectations should have been better spelled out in the syllabus but it is a little late now. I was going to write a reflection for each separate journal so one for the Google Groups, Webchatboard and Blogger. Actually I was just going to do a reflection as the last journal entry in each one of my tribbits. That way when Dr. Merrill clicks on the link to view my online journal through Tribbit the first thing he will see will be my reflection followed by all of the copied and pasted entries. The Webpage from what I understand only has maybe a pic, a short bio, some color and a list of all links for each assignment we have done for class. That way he can open our page and view each of our assignments by clicking on each link. The journal or reflections will be part of that link it won't actually be visible on the webpage. I am trying to act like I am understanding most of this but to be honest I am scared since I don't know exactly what he expects from us. If you here back from him, do you mind sharing, I am interested in knowing what he says.